

Archive for the ‘Google’ Category

Making money off the internet

Posted by abyjain on August 7, 2007

Bill Gates Carlos Slim, the mexican billionaire, son of Lebanese immigrants, is now the richest person in the world as per the Forbes magazine. The admission comes close on the heels of the calculations of a noted mexican personality in the recent past.

Even though Slim has made his riches through telecom, banking and many other trades, the internet has been the most prodigious instrument for making money in recent times. On the smallest level, Google adsense seems to be making a number of people quite self sufficient. And of course these avenues have made sure that google itself is one of the richest/most hyped companies in the world. To think, that the internet gave these guys Larry and Sergey so much money to be a part of the richest in the world club is amazing. I was going through some pages on the web which give a guess-timate on how much people can make using google adsense on their own websites and the amount of money involved is not too small.

On the other hand, I have friends who are even today really keen to start an online presence which can help them make money… take for example www.uaemillion.com – to be honest I haven’t understood the business logic behind this site till now but I am not willing to bet against it. The person who has started it, has no dearth of enthusiasm, forget everything else. Sometimes, I feel it is enough to have enthusiasm on your side. The other things will fall into place. I’m also hoping that I get 1% of his company when he goes public for being the first person ever to link to his site… Well, there’s nothing there right now anyway!

So coming to the point… is it possible to have a blog presence that is so highly read that adsense or sponsored ads make you money? I believe it is, but only if you specialise in something. ONLY, if you have knowledge that is a little bit rare or difficult to find in a structured format… AND if you have a format that google likes 😉 I think that’s the biggest issue nowadays, like my brother faces with www.hovr.com (his mobile gaming portal)… that google should like you in order for your business to succeed. Man, imagine having so much power. These guys can make or break a company just by twiddling their fingers algorithms.

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